

Saturday, November 30, 2013

5 Things About Me

For those of you that don't know me my name is Joni.  I am 31 years old, almost 32 and I live in a small Northern Californian town.  I love to travel but this is my home.  Here are 5 things that you may or may not know about me....

1.  I am overcoming an irrational fear of Big Spoons.  Not like serving spoons but of the larger of the 2 spoons that comes in the silverware set.

2.  I pretty much ALWAYS have my TV on.  I like to have the noise in the background.  Sometimes I will really watch a show from beginning to end without doing something else at the same time.

3.  I have trouble finishing things that I start....I never thought I had ADD but SQUIRREL!

4.  I love office supplies, I get really excited in a Staples or Office Depot.  Its almost an addiction. 

5.  I love taking photographs and being in nature.  But I am also afraid that I will someday be murdered in the woods.  It makes the being in nature part a bit harder.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all those who have served in our military and those currently serving. No matter how one might feel about our government it is important that we ALWAYS support and respect our troops. Thank you for all that you do!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Early bird gets the worm

Apparently my body has decided I am now an early bird. I used to sleep in, on weekdays I would sleep til 7 and then rush around to get ready for work. I made fun of my friend Terri for getting up so early. And now here I am, awake at 430 am and feeling pretty good about it lol.

Does this mean I am getting old? Don't they say old people need less sleep lol.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Beachbody Programs

There are lots of beachbody programs to choose from. In order to make a more informed decision I am offering program education. Today I told you about p90x, what program would you like to learn about next?

P90X Education

It can be hard to know what fitness program is right for you.  I am here to help with that.  I will post information about different Beachbody programs and why they may or may not be right for you. 

First up, P90X.  The forefather of all Beachbody workouts.  It is not for the faint of heart but don't let people fool you.  YOU CAN DO IT!  There are ways to modify and there are "pre-programs" that you can do to work your way up to this.

Basically, P90X is a fat burning system that helps you build lean muscle.  It is a 90 day program that changes things up every 30 days.  Each day you do a different workout.  You do a combination each week of Chest and Back, Plyometrics (jump training), Shoulders and Arms, Yoga, Kenpo (mixed martial arts), Stretching, Core, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps, Cardio, and of course Abs. 

Each workout is about 60 minutes in length.  It may seem that this is long but really, it's not so bad because you are changing things up all the time.  It is not constant squats or lunges or bicep curls.  You do each workout for about 30 seconds before you move on to the next.  You don't have time to get bored.  LOVE THAT! 

The program comes with everything you need to be successful.  It includes a nutrition plan that allows you to eat A LOT of food that is giving your body just what you need to nourish it correctly.  The nutrition plan coupled with Shakeology (that will be another posting) give your body lots of energy and proper nutrition.

You also get a 90 day workout calendar.  This calendar not only includes the Classic style workout but it also includes 2 other options so after you do the program you can go back and do it again and get a different workout.  All with amazing results.

P90X is effective for those who want to lose weight, want to gain muscle and tone, to improve athletic performance, and for women who want to increase muscles without BULKING up.  Yes, you can build muscle and not bulk up.

I am currently doing the Classic calendar of P90X and I am loving it.  Even though I have always thought that I couldn't do it, I am rocking it.  I feel great.  I look forward to my workouts.  I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to get in great shape and wants to see what they are really made of.    

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

5 Things to Remind Yourself Daily

I have printed out 2 copies of this and I have it saved on my phone.  The copies will go in prominent places in my home.  If I need to I will print more copies until I really get these fundamentals down.  

In order to have a more positive and fulfilling life I need to remember that I AM amazing and I CAN do anything.  I can CHOOSE to be positive or I can spiral down a negative hole.  I WILL celebrate my individuality.  I am GREAT just the way I am and any improvements I make will only make me better.  And last but not least, I AM prepared to succeed.  

Do you use positive affirmations to help you maintain a healthy life?  If so, do you mind sharing?  I think that the more we are able to share the good, the less we will focus on the bad.  

I learned in a training along my personal development journey that for every 1 negative thought we think about ourselves we need to think 5 good thoughts to counteract the negative.  Wouldn't it be easier to just think happy thoughts?  

I think so.  

I challenge you to find 5 people, they can be anyone you want.  Ask them each to write something nice about you, something that they like or admire about you.  Write them on an index card so its easy to keep.  You do the same for the 5 people you choose.  Trade the cards and keep them!  

Whenever you are getting down on yourself break out these cards and read the kind words that others have written about you.  If you are having trouble thinking happy thoughts on your own, these can kick start the process for you.  

Make today a GREAT day!